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What Is Wet Sandblasting?


Wet sandblasting is the process of adding water to the blast stream to cut down on a percentage of dust. Wet sandblasting can be used on concrete, brick and other masonry surfaces. Wet sandblasting can be used to strip paint and mold from wood, and marine growth from ships.


Wet blasting uses compressed air and a standard blast machine to propel abrasive, with just enough water added at the nozzle to suppress the dust. Dust suppression is extremely important as dust may contain silica, lead or other hazardous materials. Silica dust is released when sandblasting concrete. Silica dust exposure many result in silicosis. Please read our Silica page for more in depth information. Wet Sandblasting can produce the same hard hitting force as dry abrasive blasting. Wet Sandblasting systems have a control at the nozzle to adjust water pressure and volume from a fine mist to a full water wash. The volume of water can be regulated to match the amount of dust being produced.


Some surfaces require pressure washing prior to sandblasting. The purpose of this is to wash away any salts, chlorides, and other contamination which may cause coatings to fail. On the left side of this column you can view one of our wet sandblasting video's. For additionalwet  sandblasting video's please view our wet sandblasting video's page.



Pioneers of Sandblasting/Wet Sandblasting
Country: Great Britain, Hills of Oaks, Lake Windermere, Lancaster England
Patent: US145997
Date: 1923, June 26th
Pioneer: Clifford Roger Fleming Williams
Invention: Nozzle for the delivery of water or other liquid under pressure
Summary:The nozzle comprises a tubular portion which is taper or cylindrical and is provided at the admission end with the relatively restricted opening or inlet referred to, the said tubular part merging, towards the delivery end into a bulb or enlargement having a delivery orifice of less diameter than the greatest internal diameter or axis of the bulb...more..
Country: USA, Evanston, Illinois
Patent: US2040715
Date: 1936, May 12th
Pioneer: E.V. Smith
Invention: Liquid Blasting
Summary:relates to liquid blasting and more particularly to a method of blasting with abrasive in which liquid is employed as a motive force...more...
Country: USA, Maywood Illinois
Patent: US2066706
Date: 1937, January 5th
Pioneer: William E. Watters
Invention: Respiratory Protection Apparatus
Summary:relates to respiratory protective apparatus and particularly to protective apparatus for use by sand blasters, or other operators working in dust-laden air...more...
Country: USA, Buchanan Michigan
Patent: US2071472
Date: 1937, February 23rd
Pioneer: Clarence Fletcher
Invention: Water-Sand Blast Gun
Summary:relates to a blast gun, and more particularly to that type of gun designed for blasting with abrasive in which a liquid, such as water, is employed, and an object of the invention is to provide a gun characterized by such an arrangement of parts that the water issuing from the gun in a stream forms, as it were, an encasing wall or jacket for the sand as it issues from the gun, the object, intent and purpose being to increase the cleaning action and to keep the sand dry..more..

Country: USA Chicago Illinois
Patent: US2489097
Date: 1949 November 22rd
Pioneer: Rey L. Luce
Invention: Method for Projecting Streams
Summary: method for projecting liquid streams and more particularly to the projections of liquid, which may or may not contain abrasive material in suspension, in the form of an unbroken high velocity jet. Objectives: provide a method of projecting liquid streams in which air is added to the stream to be entrained thereby shortly before the final discharge of the stream. Method of projecting liquid streams in which the stream passed through an auxiliary nozzle prior to its final discharg. Method of projecting abrasive material with liquid in which abrasive material is first added to the liquid and air is subsequently entrained by the liquid prior to its discharge. ...more...

Country: USA Monrovia Indiana
Patent: US2688962
Date: 1954 September 14th
Pioneer: Mourice R. Summers
Invention: Apparatus for Protecting workmen from Dust
Summary:  relates to a portable apparatus for protecting workmen from dust and is a continuation in part of my co-pending application Serial No. 142,229 filed on February 3, 1950 now abandoned. Objective: safeguard indoor and outdoor workmen against breathing dust laden air, or air borne particles or other foreign matter and is primarily concerned with the protection of farm workmen while working around farm machinery such as hay balers, combines and the like about which a great deal of dust and other particles are stirred up preventing them from breathing fresh air...more...
Country: USA Fresno California
Patent: US2717476
Date: 1955 September 13th
Pioneer: William M Myers
Invention: Wet Jet Nozzle Unit for Sandblasting
Summary: relates generally to improvements in the nozzle unit of a sandblasting machine. Objective: provide a novel nozzle unit adapted for we-jet sandblasting; i.e. Sandblasting wherein the air-sand stream has water introduced therein, to the end that a wet, dustless blast is accomplished...more...

Country: USA Lockport Louisiana
Patent: US4709515
Date:  1987 December 1st
Pioneer: Henry Copeland, Steve M. Copeland
Invention: Wet Sandblasting Systems
Summary: the sandblasting system of the instant invention includes structure by which one or more wet sandblasting nozzles are provided and an operator for each nozzle is further provided a single airflow control valve which may be actuated to control the flow of air, sand and liquid to the corresponding nozzle. The system further incorporates structure whereby the liquid to be used in a we sandblasting operation may be water and wherein liquid rust inhibitor may be metered into the flow of water. Ln this aspect of the invention, the single airflow control valve under the control of each nozzle operator also controls not only the flow of water to the nozzle but also the injection of liquid rust inhibitor into the water flow...more..
Sandblasting Video's
|Confined Space|
|Lead Paint Removal|
|Lead Abatement|
|Wet Sandblasting|
|Abrasive Blasting|
|Surface Preparation|
|Wood Sandblasting|
|Steel Sandblasting|
|Sandblasting Boats|
|Graffiti Removal|
|Abrasive Media|
|Coating Options|
|Marine Coating|
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